reporters watching issues get no email (developers do)
Added by Matt O over 10 years ago
- I have added watchers to an issue. They are reporters in that project.
- When I update the issue, the author is notified
- watchers are NOT notified (even though their email setting is "involved and watching" and the emnailadress is correct)
- I 'upgrade' a reporter to developer -> she get's notified
So here's the question: Why? Which permission decides, if a user is notified or not? (Someone may have inadvertently removed that permission from this role?)
or is this a bug which might be fixed in a newer release?
or just a quirk with our installation?
i can't tell, if it stopped working or never did and only comes up as we are integrating more users with reporter privileges ...
Thanks for hints and help!
Output of script/about (Yes, i read How to request help)
Environment: Redmine version 2.3.3.stable.12160 Ruby version 1.9.3-p194 (2012-04-20) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.13 Environment production Database adapter PostgreSQL Redmine plugins: clipboard_image_paste 1.8
Replies (3)
RE: reporters watching issues get no email (developers do)
Added by Matt O over 10 years ago
Has no one got any idea?
RE: reporters watching issues get no email (developers do)
Added by Matt O over 10 years ago
- I updated to Version 2.6.0
- I set the project 'public'
- still reporters get no Email-notification when an issue they watch is edited.
Which permission determines, if a notification is sent?
[solved] RE: reporters watching issues get no email (developers do)
Added by Matt O over 10 years ago
OK, here is the solution: (i run redmine in german, so some references to fieldnames in english might be incorrect)
Ticket-Visibility determines Email-notifications.
(Administration -> Roles & Permissions -> Edit "Reporter" -> Ticket visibility) set to "all public issues"
The Documentation should be extended accordingly!