


LDAP Active Directory Domain Change

Added by ssss aaaaa over 9 years ago

I have a decent sized redmine deployment with AD authenication via LDAP/On the Fly user creation. I'm moving my users over to a new domain, their usernames will remain the same but the domain account will change. Any thoughts on how redmine will handle this? Will all accounts need to be recreated? What about issue assignments, etc.. will all of that be lost?

Replies (2)

RE: LDAP Active Directory Domain Change - Added by Andrey Grachev over 9 years ago


I did that succesfully. I faced no problems.
You can either edit existing LDAP authentication mode or create new one.
If you create new one you should modify all user accounts of course - just select other authentication mode.


RE: LDAP Active Directory Domain Change - Added by Anthony Hunter over 6 years ago

My company is in the midst of rolling out a new domain and I need to do this as well. Are there any instructions out there on how to do this?

