


new month problem + logged in users

Added by Máté Kalmár over 9 years ago


I have installed redmine last month, i really love it but i had a problem at 2014.nov.01.
After someone created a new issue and i had to delete i always had internal error 500.
After a while i found that in /redmine_install_path/files/2014 the new directory 11 created with root's ownership not with redmine's.
Its not a big problem, but can someone help me what did i wrong at install?
Is there any way to modify the owenrship of the auto created directories?

My another question is, is there any way to show logged in users?

thanks and sorry for my bad english

Replies (1)

RE: new month problem + logged in users - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 9 years ago

After a while i found that in /redmine_install_path/files/2014 the new directory 11 created with root's ownership not with redmine's.

This means that your redmine web server is running with root privileges.

ps -aux | grep redmine_web_server_process_name

to find out who is the owner of redmine_web_server

Is there any way to modify the owenrship of the auto created directories?

chown -R _owner_ /path_to_redmine/files

My another question is, is there any way to show logged in users?

Not sure that this is very useful information. Users could be logged in for a long time, that's not a problem, even in the night if they didn't logout they are logged in.
