


[Need Help]Redmine Email notification Issue---In One Project with 204 users

Added by li an over 9 years ago

So frustrated to find we have met the same problem before, news, new post, new issues are not notified to the project members in our public project in redmine as a knowledge share project, other projects are normal working for email notification, but this public project suddenly doesn't email to the members.

Last time, I met with this issue in July, at that time, I checked with all accounts until July and updated their email address again to confirm the email address valid and correct, then the email notifiy reverts to work, so I think it is really there is some spellling error or something like that in some accounts email address, but after July, I am not sure which day, this issue occures again.

I updates all accounts after July, this time, no work....:(

Is there email notification upper limmit e.g. redmine can only allow 200 members in one project to notify by email? or other issues I donot realize for that problem?

It is really very important issue, for if redmine cannot support email notification well, we need to give up its knowledge share function like wiki or forum, and to find another Helpdesk or wiki tool for the email notification is necessary need.

By the way, I can confirm the email is ok for other projects excluded this public project(for all developers), each day I can get redmine emails, except this public project news, wikis, formus email...

My env. is redmine 2.3.2.

Replies (2)

RE: [Need Help]Redmine Email notification Issue---In One Project with 204 users - Added by Anonymous over 9 years ago

Just an idea: check the constraints on your smtp-server. Some servers may have restrictions in order to provide using them for spamming. I came across problems when updating issues e.g. using sync smtp (update in GUI was delayed) and the changed mail configuration to async. The delay was a "feature" of our smtp.



RE: [Need Help]Redmine Email notification Issue---In One Project with 204 users - Added by li an over 9 years ago

my mail configuration is async for the default sync smtp will leads redmine so slow...

smtp server restriction means maybe smtp server does not allow to mail to so many users? But using async, it is not the same time to mail to all,right?
