


Change default language population after install

Added by Craig Kollegger almost 16 years ago

I am setting up a Spanish/English Redmine instance which I have already set up now with the defaults in English (running the rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production" function and choosing 'en'). What I did not count on was that when language setting for a specific user changed to Spanish the defaults for things like Bugs, Priority Levels, etc... would still be in the default English setting. Most of our clients will be using the Spanish language and I was trying to see if there was a way to run that rake command to repopulate the default values with Spanish values. I tried running the command again but it fails because it detects that it has already run.

Any way aside from creating a new DB instance to do this?

Thanks and love the product!

Replies (5)

RE: Change default language population after install - Added by Mamadou Bobo Diallo about 15 years ago

Have you ever found a solution to your issue?

RE: Change default language population after install - Added by Felix Schäfer about 15 years ago

Well, I don't think there's a straightforward way to change this through a rake task or anything, but all these names are configurable in the admin interface, albeit they are not internationalized because of this configurability. If you want to know the default translations for those fields, I could try to look up which file(s) you can find them in.

Short answer: Go to Admininistration > Tracker to change the names of the trackers ("Bug", "Feature" …), can't remember the english name for the setting under which the priority levels are, but you get the idea. Please note that these names are fixed and will not be translated at any point. If you only have en and es, you might just duplicate the trackers and have one english and one spanish set, but a ticket created in say the tracker "Feature" will appear as "Feature" for everyone, regardless of whether you are broswing the redmine in en, es or whatever other locale.

Long answer: The gist of the problem here is the configurability of redmine: you are free to define whatever tracker, priority level and so on you like, but as the redmine team can't provide a translation for any and every combination you'd come up with, these names will not get translated anywhere. To make a bad car brand analogy (which is only true to a certain point, but bear with me): when you want to buy a car say in Germany, you might have the choice between Volkswagen, Mercedes and Chevrolet (and many others), if you want to buy a car in Brazil or the U.S.A., they are still called Volkswagen, Mercedes and Chevrolet, not e.g. Peoplescar for Volkswagen in the U.S.A. Is this clear? If not, feel free to ask again.

RE: Change default language population after install - Added by Mamadou Bobo Diallo about 15 years ago

Thanks for this answer.
i get what you mean and it is fine for me to have the name of such things in english (every programmer knows english right ?).

RE: Change default language population after install - Added by Trang Nguyen almost 12 years ago

To change default language after install. You can access path demo.redmine/my/account(if your account is account in page) or redmine/my/account(if your account is account in page). Wish you success ^^

RE: Change default language population after install - Added by Ralf Jäger about 10 years ago

I had the same problem!
In the database -> table: issue_statuses were hardcoded <ANYLANGUAGE> strings!
This happened in the installation process. You can edit the entries manually quickly.

Tables involved:

  • trackers
  • issue_statuses
  • enumerations

If you need the correct translations then search inside the corresponding yml file in the languages folder.
