


Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues

Added by shikari shambu about 10 years ago

Is there a way to hide the closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues? We have over 3 years worth of bi-weekly sprints/versions in Redmine. It is getting to be unwieldy to get to just the active versions.


Replies (8)

RE: Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues - Added by Alessandro Zucchi about 9 years ago

I think no, but it could be valuable implementation.
Have you asked for an enhancement ?


RE: Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues - Added by Volker Kopetzky about 9 years ago

This works in my redmine V 3.0.3.stable.

Only open versions are displayed in the target version dropdown.
Blocked and Closed versions are not shown.

RE: Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues - Added by Alessandro Zucchi about 9 years ago

My redmine is V3.1.1.stable, but doesn't work.
Is there some flag to set in some place to get this behaviour ?

RE: Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues - Added by Volker Kopetzky about 9 years ago

Are the versions global/from other projects?

Mine all have only project-local visibility, i.e. they are not reused in other projects.

RE: Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues - Added by Alessandro Zucchi about 9 years ago

I share the version with subprojects in some projects.
I don't share the version with subprojects in other projects.
In both cases no filter on closed version get applied.
Also in doesn't work

RE: Hide closed versions from the target version dropdown on Issues - Added by Alessandro Zucchi about 9 years ago

We've had a missing understanding :-)
I'm speaking about the field "Target Version" of "Add filter" combo in the tab "Issue".
See my screenshot.


TargetVersion.png (87.7 KB) TargetVersion.png TargetVersion