Feature #10412
closedTarget version filter shoud group versions by status
ON the Gantt chart, when filtering target versions, the combo showing the possible target versions to be filtered shows all versions. This is annoying if you have lots of closed versions. It would be nice if it showed only opened versions.
Related issues
Updated by Etienne Massip about 13 years ago
- Category changed from Gantt to Issues
Not specific to Gantt.
Updated by Cassiano Monteiro almost 13 years ago
True... It happens on any target version filter... It would be much better if the closed versions were not shown, or if there was any way to filter that on the combo... Having lots of versions (and shared versions between projects) makes it very difficult to find the version you want to filter.
Updated by Adam Balgach about 10 years ago
Has anyone made any updates with this? It gets very annoying in the dropdown list when you do rapid releases. Thanks.
Updated by Matthias R almost 10 years ago
We have the same problem. The target version combobox contains many obsolete Versions.
In my opinion it doesn't make sense to assign tickets to closed versions.
Updated by Y Z over 9 years ago
Any idea on date when the feature is going to be added?
Updated by Sebastian Paluch over 9 years ago
I completely disagree. It is very important to have ability to find issues from closed versions too. So, showing all versions in filter is a must. Number of shown versions is already limited when editing issues, in the drop down list.
Updated by Robert Korulczyk over 9 years ago
Versions should be grouped by status: open first, then blocked, and closed at the end. Then we have all versions, but the most frequently used are on top, not at the end like now.
Here you can see how it looks on WordPress Trac:
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 9 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #21360: Target version in Issues view added
Updated by Joel SCHAAL about 9 years ago
Robert Korulczyk: your solution would be perfect for us.
It seems an easy change, and it would at least reduce the confusion when filtering by target version.
On another hand, it would be nice to add a checkbox in the Version edit page saying "Exclude from search" or maybe "Exclude from filters".
That way, the combo could stay small and users needing all version (like Sebastian Paluch) would not be impacted.
Updated by Joel SCHAAL about 9 years ago
Updated by Matthias Puschbeck about 9 years ago
+1 for Robert Korulczyk
That would be one really helpful feature, we wonder how else to proper assing sprints as a target version with a clutterd dropdown box?
Updated by Takenori TAKAKI almost 9 years ago
+1 for Robert Korulczyk's idea!
I made the patch (compatible with latest trunk 15418).
this patch allows user to display the version filter grouped by status:, on 'Gantt chart', 'Calendar' and 'Issues list'.
I would be very happy if I could see the feature in Redmine 3.3.0 or 3.4.0.
Updated by Marius BĂLTEANU over 8 years ago
Takenori TAKAKI wrote:
I made the patch (compatible with latest trunk 15418).
this patch allows user to display the version filter grouped by status:, on 'Gantt chart', 'Calendar' and 'Issues list'.
I would be very happy if I could see the feature in Redmine 3.3.0 or 3.4.0.
I tested this patch on Redmine 3.3.0 and looks great.
Updated by Jean-Philippe Lang over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Target version filter shoud not show closed versions to Target version filter shoud group versions by status
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Jean-Philippe Lang
- Target version set to 3.4.0
- Resolution set to Fixed
Change done in r15601. Thanks for the patch. I've made some changes in order to avoid doing 3 queries (one for each status) and a bit of cleanup in javascript.
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Related to Feature #23265: Group versions by status in version custom field filter added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Has duplicate Feature #17615: FIlter by target version (active) added
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
- Category changed from Issues to Issues filter
Updated by Robert Schneider over 8 years ago
The request is already closed, though I'd like to ask if it is possible to also have another entry for All open versions? Could this be added as well?
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA over 8 years ago
Robert Schneider wrote:
The request is already closed, though I'd like to ask if it is possible to also have another entry for All open versions? Could this be added as well?
Please create new issue.
Updated by Robert Schneider over 8 years ago
Updated by Tobias Fischer about 8 years ago
Why would you only implement this for the ticket list and not for ALL version fields? (e.g. ticket target version select, custom version fields, etc.) ?
Updated by Go MAEDA about 8 years ago
Tobias Fischer wrote:
Why would you only implement this for the ticket list and not for ALL version fields? (e.g. ticket target version select, custom version fields, etc.) ?
That is another request. Could you create a new issue?
Updated by Toshi MARUYAMA about 8 years ago
Tobias Fischer wrote:
Why would you only implement this for the ticket list and not for ALL version fields? (e.g. ticket target version select, custom version fields, etc.) ?
#23265 covers custom field.
I think "ticket target version select" should show only opened version.