Redmine failed to start with Apache+Enterprise Ruby(20090201)
Added by hugo joe almost 16 years ago
System: Lenny
Guide in, permmision to www:data
I installed successful 2552. "ruby script/server webrick -e production" runs good.
When I use Apache2+Enterprise Ruby(20090201), Passenger give errors:"No such file or directory -/nonexistent" and "Errno::ENOENT".
Then I run "chown wwwe-data:www-data ../redmine/config/environment.rb" (former belong to root), browser give a 404 error.
Nothing in apache2 log.
Redmine 0.8 works fine.
I need your help.
Replies (3)
RE: Redmine failed to start with Apache+Enterprise Ruby(20090201) - Added by Jean-Baptiste Barth almost 16 years ago
Please give your Passenger conf.
Does Passenger work fine with an other rails app ?
RE: Redmine failed to start with Apache+Enterprise Ruby(20090201) - Added by hugo joe almost 16 years ago
My Passenger conf in apache2.conf:
LoadModule passenger_module /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.0.6/ext/apache2/
PassengerRoot /opt/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.0.6
PassengerRuby /opt/ruby/bin/ruby
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory "/var/www/redmine">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
RailsBaseURI /project
The conf above worked well for redmine 0.8 and former.
I have no other rails app.