


curl command for uploading attachment to existing issue using API?

Added by Matthew Barham over 9 years ago

Hi ive looked through the help documentation but its not clear what i should be doing to upload an attachment to an existing issue using the api, it only talks about creating a new issue with an attachment.

does anybody know the curl command for upload attachment using xml and the api?

Replies (1)

RE: curl command for uploading attachment to existing issue using API? - Added by Lucile Quirion over 9 years ago


Actually when I look at the documentation, I can find the information.
Maybe you'll better know how to improve the wiki and make it more clear.

I'll point you to the relevant pages:
Rest_Issues Here you get the HTTP command PUT /issues/[id].[format]
Rest_api Here you get example as how to format the JSON / XML data with uploads
Rest_api_with_curl Here you get an example of a curl command to update an issue

Also Redmine's tests are its best documentation: source:/trunk/test/integration/api_test/issues_test.rb
And don't forget curl's man page.

First step is to create your attachment and obtain your attachment's token.

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --data "My data" -u [login]:[password] [redmine_url]/uploads.json

Second step is to update the issue with the token:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "@issue.json" -u [login]:[password] [redmine_url]/issues/[id].json

Where issue.json file content is (replace token, filename and content_type):

{ "issue": {
    "notes": "Attachment added",
    "uploads": [
      { "token": "30.1d4ed6b0af083550da5c350ed65fc418",
        "filename": "example.txt",
        "content_type": "text/plain" 

Note that attachments can be linked to only one container/Issue (Project, Document and Version are not yet supported).
You can't link an attachment to several issues (but the api will not return an error if you try).
