


A role that can see only the issues he created

Added by Tarık Zengin over 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'd like to create a role for users to open issues but not to see other open issues.
They would see the issues they created but how can I restrict them to see the others.

In the "Issue tracking" part of the role permissions, it has View Issues and Add issues.
But when I give the "View Issues" permission, they can see the other issues too.
If I disable "View Issues" then they cannot even see the issues created by themselves.

Is there a way to do it?


Replies (1)

RE: A role that can see only the issues he created - Added by David Shanahan over 9 years ago

At the top of a role under the Name are two fields: "Items can be assigned to this role" and "Item visibility"

"item visibility" has an option "Items created by or assigned to the user"

Should be what you're after.
