How to reference a document by name?
Added by Dmitry Kushpet almost 10 years ago
I need to make a reference to the document in the project.
I tried to follow the instructimons here:
document#17 (link to document with id 17)
works, but I have no idea, where to get document id from. There are no ID's on my "Documents" page. And when I try this format:
document:"Some document" (double quotes can be used when document title contains spaces)
it does not work.
Replies (2)
RE: How to reference a document by name? - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) almost 10 years ago
What do you use to store your documents? There are plugins (DMSF) that do this and there's RedmineDocuments...
If you use RedmineDocuments, then the ID is in the URL...
RE: How to reference a document by name? - Added by Dmitry Kushpet almost 10 years ago
Jan, thank you!
Yes, it is a solution - ID may be found by moving mouse cursor over document name. The complete link to the document is shown in the left-bottom corner then, and the document ID is the last element of the link.