


Setting up User Groups?

Added by Jeff Chastain over 15 years ago

I am sure I am missing something here, but how do you create groups of users that can then be applied to a project in a certain role? For example, a 'developers' group or a 'QA' group which contain one or more users? This way, 'developers' could be assigned to all projects with a certain role and when the group changed, every project ACL would not have to be touched?

Also, is it possible to connect these user groups with groups defined in active directory? I found this thread ... ... and the associated patch, but I think I need to figure out how to create the group in the first place.


Replies (3)

Re: Setting up User Groups? - Added by Alan Franzoni over 15 years ago

Jeff Chastain wrote:

I am sure I am missing something here, but how do you create groups of users that can then be applied to a project in a certain role? >For example, a 'developers' group or a 'QA' group which contain one or more users? This way, 'developers' could be assigned to all >projects with a certain role and when the group changed, every project ACL would not have to be touched?

I think it would be a great feature as well... if it's not yet implemented or planned, we could open a feature request.

RE: Setting up User Groups? - Added by Martin Freiberger over 15 years ago

This is a feature i wanted to ask for. It would be a nice feature, specially if you have to administrate a lot of users and a lot of projects.

RE: Setting up User Groups? - Added by clem johnson over 15 years ago

Groups would be useful in redmine (I think).

To get around this, we assign a "lead" developer (Assigned To:) to watch the other devs and their code and when all individuals are complete with their code contributions the assigned dev moves it to the next stage.

I think it would be confusing if you assigned an issue to a group cause then you'd have multiple assignees to a project...
