


Upgrade Questions

Added by David Bergerson over 15 years ago

I have two simple questions.

1. Can we get in the FAQ section or the download section a step by step to do upgrades? Currently I am running .7.1 and want to upgrade to .8.x. It would be nice to know how to do it :)

2. Can we get some sample scripts to have redmine with webrick startup on bootup? Perhaps putting those in the FAQ as well :) HINT A CentOs one would be nice

Replies (1)

RE: Upgrade Questions - Added by Mischa The Evil over 15 years ago

David Bergerson wrote:

1. Can we get in the FAQ section or the download section a step by step to do upgrades? Currently I am running .7.1 and want to upgrade to .8.x. It would be nice to know how to do it :)

See RedmineUpgrade.

2. Can we get some sample scripts to have redmine with webrick startup on bootup? Perhaps putting those in the FAQ as well :) HINT A CentOs one would be nice

See my reply on the CC-forums:


