Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Bertrand Rousseau almost 10 years ago
I've created a custom field on project : "Accounting Unit"
I want to show on each issues this field. Is it possible ?
When I search all issues I can filter by this field but I can't show it.
Replies (6)
RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Robert Schneider almost 10 years ago
Do you refer to the issue list?
Below the filter settings you have got the options. There you can set which columns should be displayes
RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Bertrand Rousseau almost 10 years ago
Yes I refer to the issue list.
the custom field is on the project and not on the issue.
I can filter by the custom field of the project but I can't select him to be displayed.
RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Robert Schneider almost 10 years ago
Sorry for the delay. I just have re-set my Redmine.
You may have to have a look into the custom field configuration. Is the project checked? At least I can see my custom field in the options of the issue list. So I assume you should see and use them in your issue list too.
RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Bertrand Rousseau almost 10 years ago
I can't see it.
I use Redmine 2.6.0
I don't understand -> 'Is the project checked ? '
I post you an example :- I configure a new custom field on project (not on issue) : TOTO
- I can see it in filter (the last in the select box) : Project's TOTO
- I can't see it in options/Available Columns
Project_custom_field_con.png (67.5 KB) Project_custom_field_con.png | Configuration of custom field | ||
Capture d’écran 2015-05-21 à 16.56.34.png (133 KB) Capture d’écran 2015-05-21 à 16.56.34.png | filter list |
RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Robert Schneider almost 10 years ago
Hm... in Redmine 3.0 the configuration area for the custom field looks different. There you can tell in which projects the field should exist and also on which tracker. But I guess this is the same setting as you can see in the project configuration itself.
Sorry, I don't know why it is not visible. I think it should be visible. Maybe it works with other types of custom fields?
RE: Is it possible to show project custom field on tracker ?
Added by Georg Bader almost 3 years ago
We are facing the same issues in Redmine 3.4.
Custom field (for user) is available as filter
BUT it is not possible to show its values (available_columns).