


Attachments issue after migrating see details for log error

Added by dah woo about 9 years ago

Hello All, just recently migrated from a local server to a remote server. I was able to sort out some database attachments that I thought were lost but were in the wrong folder (change of install type and OS put them in different lcoations). But I can not seem to get new files to upload. I keep getting an error right in the load screen. Can someone translate what I'm getting in the error log for me? permissions problem? where would I make the correction for this if so?

Error below:

Errno::EACCES (Permission denied - /opt/redmine/files/2015/06/150615162553_database.yml):
app/models/attachment.rb:109:in `initialize'
app/models/attachment.rb:109:in `open'
app/models/attachment.rb:109:in `files_to_final_location'
app/controllers/attachments_controller.rb:90:in `upload'

Replies (1)

RE: Attachments issue after migrating see details for log error - Added by dah woo about 9 years ago

I solved the problem. Incase anyone else runs into this issue... I must have migrated the files after I set the apache permissions so the files did not exist. The /opt/redmine folder did have apache:apache permissions but the files inside the directory which I added in after the new install of redmine (server location change) did not apply to those files.

so in short... simply $ chown -R apache:apache /opt/redmine (or wherever your files/attachments are) to update permissions again with all of the files in place.
