


Error viewing the admin/info page

Added by Wolfgang Ketterer about 9 years ago

I have installed the current redmine version 3.1.0 on a new server. Than I've imported a database backup of an old redmine version (1.3.0) and performed an upgrade (migration).
After adjusting some configuration files, everything seems to work. Our users can login and create new tickets and so on.

Only the information page in the administration area generates an internal error.

The htdocs\log\production.log contains the following entries.

Started GET "/redmine/admin/info" for at 2015-08-28 15:21:52 +0200
Processing by AdminController#info as HTML
Current user: Wolle (id=3)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 2.0ms)

NoMethodError (undefined method `authenticate' for nil:NilClass):
app/models/user.rb:307:in `check_password?'
app/models/user.rb:462:in `default_admin_account_changed?'
app/controllers/admin_controller.rb:77:in `info'
lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'

The Server OS is Windows 2008 R2 and it is an internal Server for our intranet.
I have no idea what I should do. Please can anyone help me?

Replies (3)

RE: Error viewing the admin/info page - Added by Aleksander Stukov over 8 years ago

Hi Wolfgang,
I'm facing problems like you describe on my own Redmine installation. Did you find a solution for it?. I'm really stuck, I'll really appreciate any tip.

Best regards,

RE: Error viewing the admin/info page - Added by Wolfgang Ketterer over 8 years ago

Hi Aleksander,

yes, I found a solution and thanks god, a made some notes for myself.
In my case the information page worked directly after the installation of Redmine. The problem did only occur after importing/migrating the data from my old instance backup.
The reason in my case was the data in the table "users". Or more precisely, the record with the ID=1, Login=redmine.

At that time I had a backup of the database directly after the installation of redmine (Backup1) and a again one after importing/migrating my old data (Backup2).

To solve the problem, I deleted the table "users" and replaced it with the version from Backup1.
As far as I can remember, now the table contains only one record (ID=1, Login=redmine) and the information page worked without errors.
Then I added all other records, except the one with ID=1 from my Backup2.
After that everything worked.

I hope this helps you further.

Best regards

RE: Error viewing the admin/info page - Added by Aleksander Stukov over 8 years ago

Hi Wolfgang,
Sorry for answering so late and thanks for your response. In our case the problem seemed to be different, but we also managed to find the solution, posted in this thread:

We have a somehow rare installation (migrated to Windows 2012R2, SQL Server 2014... etc) that leads us to multiple weird errors no one seems to have.

Anyway, thanks again for your prompt response.

Best regards.
