


(solved)Email notifications

Added by aus ghostdog over 9 years ago

Trying to enable email notifications on my server
"Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled.
Configure your SMTP server in config/configuration.yml and restart the application to enable them."

I edited the production section to the following
delivery_method: smtp
address: (my mail server)
port: 25

I've tried both the ip address and FQDM, I still get the same message after I restart apache, thoughts?

Given it's going to relay I left out the auth according to

Replies (5)

RE: Email notifications - Added by Buzze Kr ies over 9 years ago

Hi there,
some questions from me…

  • Can you telnet the Exchange from the Redmine machine?
  • Did you setup a receive connector?
  • Did you create a User mail box for the redmine machine?
  • What says the Exchange Error Log?
  • Can you trace Messages via the Exchange tool box?



RE: Email notifications - Added by aus ghostdog over 9 years ago

Hi I just telneted to the machine and was able to send an email via telnet no issues, the exchange server is set to be used as a relay for the redmine server, I am not even able to get to the point of sending an email from redmine as
the email notifcations tab in settings still says
Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled.
Configure your SMTP server in config/configuration.yml and restart the application to enable them.


RE: Email notifications - Added by Buzze Kr ies over 9 years ago


Just for curiosity....
Can you configure a distinct Smtp account for testing purposes?
e.g. Gmail?

Isn't there an email config yml sample file delivered with Redmine?
Did you use it?

How do you restart the redmine?

RE: Email notifications - Added by aus ghostdog over 9 years ago

Attached is the configuration file I am using

I am still getting the error of no config file set

I restart the server by restarting the entire server.

RE: Email notifications - Added by aus ghostdog over 9 years ago

Solved it,

The code MUST be indented correctly.!
