


Error 500 : ActionView::Template::Error undefined method `mail'

Added by alex etam almost 9 years ago

Hi everyone !

I installed Redmine 2.6.6
Everytime I click on "Register" or "My account" when I'm logged in, I get a 500 ERROR with not much explanation :

Internal error

An error occurred on the page you were trying to access.
If you continue to experience problems please contact your Redmine administrator for assistance.

If you are the Redmine administrator, check your log files for details about the error.

Back ===

Some details :

I followed this guide :
I have ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [arm-linux-eabihf]
My server is a raspberry pi with Raspbian wheezy on it

I post here because I could find anything related to "ActionView::Template::Error undefined method mail" on google (literally hours of research).

Here is the production log (/var/www/redmine/log/production.log) :


Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 86.7ms

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `mail' for #<User:0x3234e58>):
15: <legend><%=l(:label_information_plural)%></legend>
16: <p><%= f.text_field :firstname, :required => true ></p>
17: <p><
= f.text_field :lastname, :required => true ></p>
18: <p><
= f.text_field :mail, :required => true ></p>
19: <
unless @user.force_default_language? >
20: <p><
= :language, lang_options_for_select ></p>
21: <
end %>
lib/redmine/views/labelled_form_builder.rb:31:in `text_field'
app/views/my/account.html.erb:18:in `block in app_views_my_account_html_erb__322512880_27322944'
app/helpers/application_helper.rb:1056:in `labelled_form_for'
app/views/my/account.html.erb:9:in `_app_views_my_account_html_erb___322512880_27322944'


Note : By the way, I followed the tutorial but still, I wonder why I didn't have to copy the configuration.yml.example to a new configuration.yml file.
Anyway, maybe I didn't have to.
Note 2 : My goal is to make redmine use the mail command from my machine (No SMTP).

Looking forward to get an answer from you guys.

Have a nice day.

Replies (2)

RE: Error 500 : ActionView::Template::Error undefined method `mail' - Added by alex etam almost 9 years ago

Nobody ?

Wow. Is redmine that unstable ?

RE: Error 500 : ActionView::Template::Error undefined method `mail' - Added by Krzysztof Faryna almost 9 years ago


i have the same error after migrating redmine to new server.
On the new machine i have the same version of linux, ruby, gems, redmine, backlog plugin
