


How to work with different status sets

Added by T H over 8 years ago

I am fairly new to Redmine and have just started with using it for a medium-sized software project. We require three types of tickets:

  • Bugs
  • Enhancements (concerning existing functionality)
  • New feature requests

These tickets have different workflows, so I configured three trackers to categorize the tickets. So far, so good.

However, the third tracker – new feature requests – requires a very different set of status values compared to the first two trackers. I was now wondering what is the correct way to set this up?

As far as I can tell, there is only one global list of status values. So I would need to create more status values in that list and then check/uncheck them appropriately in the trackers’ workflows. This is probably going to work, but it feels sufficiently awkward for me to ask whether this is the correct approach. I would have expected that one can assign a different list of status values per tracker rather than a single global list. Am I missing something here?