Redmine authentication with LDAP fails
Added by Marco Lavagna about 9 years ago
I'm not succeding in LDAP authentication with redmine.
Here follows the description of what I've done:
I've installed bitnami redmine on Centos 6.7 and trying to authenticate against AD on MS Windows server 2012.
Redmine version 3.1.1.stable
Ruby version 2.0.0-p647 (2015-08-18) [x86_64-linux]
Rails version 4.2.4
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.6.11
Git 1.7.1
Redmine plugins:
no plugin installed
This is my LDAP configuration on redmine:
Name: geo-AD
Port 389 LDAPS: No
User: ldapuser
DN Base: DC=geo-dc,DC=geo,DC=net
LDAP filter: (objectClass=*)
on the fly: yes
Connection attribute: sAMAccontName
Name: givenName
Surname: sn
Mail: mail
The test is working fine, but when I try to autheticate I always get "invalid password".
I traced the authentication phase with Wireshark and I've seen the following:
there is a request from the redmine host to the AD server asking for the following attributes: dn, givenName, sn, mail.
The AD server answer with "no such object" and the authentication stops.
I've removed givenName, sn and mail from the LDAP configuration window and the request for dn is still there and cause the failure.
I've checked the AD schema and there is no attribute named "dn".
Any idea why Redmine ask for this during authentication and if there is a way to change this behaviour?
Here follows the LDAP query and LDAP response. is Centos server with redmine, is MS Server 2012 with AD.
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
72 28.269126319 LDAP 237
searchRequest(2) "DC=geo-dc,DC=geo,DC=net" wholeSubtree
Frame 72: 237 bytes on wire (1896 bits), 237 bytes captured (1896 bits) on interface 0
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDAPMessage searchRequest(2) "DC=geo-dc,DC=geo,DC=net" wholeSubtree
messageID: 2
protocolOp: searchRequest (3)
baseObject: DC=geo-dc,DC=geo,DC=net
scope: wholeSubtree (2)
derefAliases: neverDerefAliases (0)
sizeLimit: 0
timeLimit: 0
typesOnly: False
Filter: (&(&(objectClass=*)(objectClass=*))(sAMAccountName=mlavagna))
filter: and (0)
and: (&(&(objectClass=*)(objectClass=*))(sAMAccountName=mlavagna))
and: 3 items
Filter: (objectClass=*)
and item: present (7)
present: objectClass
Filter: (objectClass=*)
and item: present (7)
present: objectClass
Filter: (sAMAccountName=mlavagna)
and item: equalityMatch (3)
attributeDesc: sAMAccountName
assertionValue: mlavagna
attributes: 4 items
AttributeDescription: dn
AttributeDescription: givenName
AttributeDescription: sn
AttributeDescription: mail
[Response In: 73]
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
73 28.269390349 LDAP 202
searchResDone(2) noSuchObject (0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100238, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
) [0 results]
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDAPMessage searchResDone(2) noSuchObject (0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100238, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:
) [0 results]
messageID: 2
protocolOp: searchResDone (5)
resultCode: noSuchObject (32)
matchedDN: DC=geo,DC=net
errorMessage: 0000208D: NameErr: DSID-03100238, problem 2001 (NO_OBJECT), data 0, best match of:\n\t'DC=geo,DC=net'\n
[Response To: 72]
Replies (3)
RE: Redmine authentication with LDAP fails - Added by Martin Denizet ( team member) about 9 years ago
I think you are missing the location of your users in your BaseDN such as:
I use an LDAP Browser tool to check the validity of the BaseDN.
Also, I'd advocate for using LDAPS (port 636).
I hope it helps.
RE: Redmine authentication with LDAP fails - Added by Marco Lavagna about 9 years ago
Thanks for your answer.
I've added CN, but this does not change the behaviour. The base DN is fine. Redmine is able the bind the the AD server and browse the AD tree, but is asking for an attribute "dn" that does not exist in the tree.
I've tried LDAPS at the beginning, but with this I was not able to have any connection to the AD server.
RE: Redmine authentication with LDAP fails - Added by bao zhiguo over 8 years ago
yes ,i have the same error ,the test connnection with ad is ok ,but the ad user cound't login ,it prompt that the user is not valid .