


Emails are sent, but not always received

Added by Nico Sunt over 8 years ago


I finally decide to post my problem here. My company recently migrated its redmine from a server to another one. Everything went great, except now 2 of our projects on Redmine stopped sending emails. They NEVER send emails, and the other projects ALWAYS send emails. I tried creating sub projects under those projects, it worked. I tried creating a project on the same level of those bugged projects, it worked. I tried moving those projects, didn't work.

I activated the logs, on debug level. No error appeared, and the 2 projects seem to send the emails. BUT the emails never really go. Here is the log :

Mailer#issue_add: processed outbound mail in 12.7ms

Sent email "[META PROJECT - PROJECT1 - Bug #9013] (New) Test ticket" (3ms)

I really don't understand what is going on here. Any ideas?

Replies (1)

RE: Emails are sent, but not always received - Added by Nico Sunt over 8 years ago

Any suggestions please? This is really driving me crazy.
