


Wrong link in e-mail

Added by Anton Poroshyn over 8 years ago


We updated redmine from 2.x to 3.2.1. Now links to issues in email-notifications are:

But real link is

second "/redmine" is excess.

Please advice what could it be?


Обновили Редмайн до версии 3.2.1 со второй. Один лишний /redmine в ссылке на задачу, которая приходит на почту.
Спасибо за помощь!

Replies (4)

RE: Wrong link in e-mail - Added by Martin P. over 8 years ago

Did you check unter >Administration >Configuration that your Hostname does not include the '/redmine/' that's too much?

RE: Wrong link in e-mail - Added by Tony P over 8 years ago

Thank you for your advice.
Hostname was correct -
I tried change the name to but nothing happened.

P.S. Can't restore the password to my old account.

RE: Wrong link in e-mail - Added by Anton Poroshyn over 8 years ago

Please help what could it be?
What can change this link?

RE: Wrong link in e-mail - Added by Martin P. over 8 years ago

hm, maybe a configuration settings issue!?

like in Apache with virtual hosts:

<VirtualHost ..
    DocumentRoot /..

or in your ../redmine/ directory

check your settings in additional_environments.rb, configuration.yml and the ../redmine/config/ folder.

Of course depending on your setup.
