Unable to send mail from RedMine via sendmail/postfix (receiving error)
Added by Yusuf Hoque over 8 years ago
I'm having issues sending emails from RedMine via postfix. I've tested emails from the box directly, which seems to work fine but from the application, I am getting the following error:
"An error occurred while sending mail (An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.)"
My configuration.yml file looks like the following:
delivery_method: :sendmail
I am using the Bitnami redmine stack (redmine 3.2.3)
Replies (2)
RE: Unable to send mail from RedMine via sendmail/postfix (receiving error) - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 8 years ago
Remove :sendmail from delivery_method: :sendmail.
And add in the bottom:
delivery_method: :async_sendmail
location: /usr/sbin/sendmail
arguments: -i -t
RE: Unable to send mail from RedMine via sendmail/postfix (receiving error) - Added by Yusuf Hoque over 8 years ago
I managed to fix it, stupidity on my part (was meant to add the email address to Emission email address)