


redmine change port linux(centos 7)

Added by Max Singian over 8 years ago

can someone give me steps how to change the port? I tried testlink and all i did is listen 80, then it works, but the redmine it's not.

Listen 80 (testlink)

Listen 8008 (redmine)
NameVirtualHost *:8008
<VirtualHost *:8008>
DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine/public

I did try to change the port of redmine to 80, it works.. but the problem is the testlink will be gone, how can i change it to 8008? or other ports?

Replies (4)

RE: redmine change port linux(centos 7) - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 8 years ago

Please provide more details, what do you want to achieve?

RE: redmine change port linux(centos 7) - Added by Max Singian over 8 years ago

I want my redmine is on ipAddr:8008 because port 80 is my testlink. How can I change the port of redmine to 8008 because right now, the port of testlink and redmine is on 80.
So i want to change the redmine port to 8008 or any port as long as it is not 80 or 8080.

RE: redmine change port linux(centos 7) - Added by Max Singian over 8 years ago

I manage to solve it... the problem is, I'm using VirtualBox, I forgot to port forward it.

RE: redmine change port linux(centos 7) - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov over 8 years ago

Listen 80
Listen 8008
<VirtualHost your_IP_here:8008>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/redmine/public" 