


increase upload size in redmine

Added by Seyed Mohammad Mirheydari almost 8 years ago

how can I increase upload size in redmine?

I set max upload size in redmine administration setting but doesn't work;
when I try to upload files larger than 5MB the error "Request Entity Too Large" appears.


Replies (5)

RE: increase upload size in redmine - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 8 years ago

Well known issue with too many reasons.
First of all make sure that your front-end web server (nginx or apache) has a setting like this:
client_max_body_size 200m;

RE: increase upload size in redmine - Added by Seyed Mohammad Mirheydari almost 8 years ago

I use nginx; I add:

        # set client body size to 50M #
        client_max_body_size 50M;

in my nginx.conf file.
and don't work for me

RE: increase upload size in redmine - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 8 years ago

What is the size of /tmp and /var/tmp?
What is your back end ruby server?

RE: increase upload size in redmine - Added by suresh pareek almost 7 years ago

same problem change in nginx.conf file but no effect.
I use passenger for starting Redmine
where should I change
and I also change in Redmine setting

RE: increase upload size in redmine - Added by Pavel Potcheptsov almost 7 years ago

You should have large enough /tmp and ram size.
