


Redmine for project management and lightweight crm

Added by Radim Kracik over 8 years ago

I am wondering if is possible to customize redmine without serious programming to this structure:

Main level is client (company) - contact informations, overview of all project of particular client (could be possible to search through all documents in particular client?)
Second level is project level for particular client - for example PPC, social media, SEO - with reccuring tasks (is possible to add priority for whole project?) On project level should be all documents (reports, analysis, ect)
Particular tasks - reccuring, with different priority

I dont need in deep answer, I just want to know if is it possible and if you will give me any direction (plugins, people) I'll be very grateful.


Replies (1)

RE: Redmine for project management and lightweight crm - Added by Anonymous over 8 years ago

Hi Radim,

I think yes. You could have the following structure:
  • client = top-level project (use project as bracket over all information and objects pertaining to this client)
  • have subproject for every client-project
  • recurring tasks are possible via a special plugin.
    • recurring tasks supports "clone mode": the task is cloned to a new one for recurrence
    • recurring tasks also supports "reopen": the task is reopended for recurrence
  • documents could be on project or client-level (think about using DMSF as redmine-documents are not stateful/versioned)

For CRM I would suggest (free) helpdesk-plugins or commerical CRM-plugins


