


How to setup git repository with Redmine 3.3.0-1 using Bitnami ubuntu virtual machine

Added by Bruce Liu over 8 years ago

Hi all,

I am not good at setting up linux servers, so I choose the Bitnami Redmine of ubuntu virtual machine release. But I have problem with setting up git server.

I setup a project 'tmax' and want to config a git server to do source codes version control. I want this git server to be the main source control server too, not the mirror to another git server.
Further more, I also want the git server share the Redmine user, which means if a user have right on the Redmine project, he can also access the project's git source server using the same Redmine userid/pass.

I config the "Repositories" as follows:

SCM: Git
Main repository:true
Identifier: tmax
Path to repository *: /var/redmine/gitrepos/tmax.git/.git
Path encoding: default
Report last commit for files and directories:true

But when I click the "tmax" repositories, it shows an error as follows:

404 The entry or revision was not found in the repository.

I login to the bitnami virtual machine server (which is hosted on vmware player) using bitnami, I can't find the path. In fact I can't find any path seems to be git repos.
So I create the path using sudo command.

sudo mkdir -p /var/redmine/gitrepos

I tried again on Redmine web page to show tmax repository but the same error. So I create the tmax directory in the virtual machine

cd /var/redmine/gitrepos
sudo mkdir tmax.git

But still the same error, I then init the repo with:

cd /var/redmine/gitrepos/tmax.git
sudo git init

Still not work and the same error. I have no ideas.
All the directory I created are :

drwxr-xr-x root root

And another 3 question:
How can I push my source into the git repo created on the redline server? What the url like?
Is it the same user/pass with redmine when using git?

When I tried to access the git server on Redmine with "git clone git@redmine-server:tmax", I got an error:

ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Anyone can help? Thanks in advance
