


Redmine 3.3.0 How to add user to project --> Redmine UI is unresponsive in many places, a lot of errors pop-up in the console

Added by Adrian Moisa over 8 years ago

Starting from fresh install. I used `rake redmine:load_default_data`. After that I created 2 projects and 2 users for testing. The only user that can view the projects is the original admin account.

I have tried adding users to project from Project > settings > Members but I receive the message "No data to display". Adding User to project from Administration > Users > User > Projects gives the same message "No data to display". Also I cannot figure out how to assign user roles to users or to projects. I'm completely stuck. As a mention, I have installed the "Scrum Redmine" plugin. In case it matters. The other functions of the issue tracker seem to function properly. Any advice? Thank you!

os win10 x64
redmine 3.3.0
ruby 2.2.4
rails 4.2.6
latest xampp xampp-win32-7.0.9-1-VC14-installer

Replies (2)

RE: Redmine 3.3.0 How to add user to project - Added by Eduard Schmidt over 8 years ago

create project
go to configuration
add user and role

thats it

RE: Redmine 3.3.0 How to add user to project - Added by Adrian Moisa over 8 years ago

Well, meanwhile I figured that indeed this should work. However, I see that I have various errors in the browser console. It seems that some javascript do not execute properly, rendering the UI unable to execute a lot of basic tasks, such as adding users to project. Because Redmine does a lot of server side rendering, it allows me to use the basic features of the system unaffected by the javascript errors. For example console prints this when viewing an issue page:

159:31 Uncaught ReferenceError: beforeShowDatePicker is not defined
159:239 Uncaught ReferenceError: observeAutocompleteField is not defined
159:245 Uncaught ReferenceError: setPredecessorFieldsVisibility is not defined
159:406 Uncaught ReferenceError: observeAutocompleteField is not defined
159:414 Uncaught TypeError: $(...).addClass(...).datepickerFallback is not a function
159:22 Uncaught ReferenceError: warnLeavingUnsaved is not defined

Not all the UI is broken. I have been able to manage the tasks from the root user. Gant chart is visible but it seems to me that it is partially unresponsive. I have added SCRUM plugin and the kanban board is toasted because of javascript errors.

Any ideas where to look for the culprit?
