


Why would Redmine use 100% CPU when no one is logged in?

Added by Scott Stolz over 7 years ago

I am the only user on this instance and for some reason it is pegging at 100% CPU even though I am not logged in. Anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this?

Redmine used to be fine, and now is incredibly slow.

Any help or ideas would be appreciate.

Replies (1)

RE: Why would Redmine use 100% CPU when no one is logged in? - Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago

Scott Stolz wrote:

I am the only user on this instance and for some reason it is pegging at 100% CPU even though I am not logged in. Anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this?

Well, looking at your screenshot, my first guess would be that you are not the only user anymore and the other user(s) are doing something that is peaking your CPU usage (read: your instance is hacked and is being abused). Two reasons for this first impression:
  • your OS seems to be not up-to-date (missing security updates?)
  • your Redmine version is heavily outdated and includes eight known security vulnerabilities of which one is considered critical (see Security_Advisories)

This instance should not (have) be (been) connected to any public network.

I'd start by looking at what is actually using you CPU. Login to the system (either the console or by SSH) and start by using top and/or ps to see which process(es) are using the CPU.

If this instance was/is connected to a public network, and the CPU usage turns out to be not Redmine/Rails/Ruby related, I'd treat the system as compromised. Some advice on how to handle in such a case can be found in this post on
