


Need help - Recovering from old backup (Redmine 2.2.3 to fresh install 3.3.3)

Added by jp red almost 8 years ago

Hi all,

I Need help for recovering from old backup (Redmine 2.2.3 to fresh install 3.3.3). I have check all upgrade procédure but i does not apply to my case.

I have a full DB backup and all the content of my '../redmine/files/' folder that I backed up before removing the server couple of months ago.

Now I have install a fresh LAMP server with Redmine 3.3.3 and everything is up and running but of course Redmine is 'empty' or like new.

After taking a snapshot of the server, I have try to empty the Redmine_production DB and import the old one in it and copy all my '../redmin/files/' to the new server.

It didn't worked! I got an 'Internal Error' from the web server (see attachement).

So I need help from you guys! I'd like to know what is the best way to make that working?

Thanks a lot!


error.png (8.77 KB) error.png

Replies (4)

RE: Need help - Recovering from old backup (Redmine 2.2.3 to fresh install 3.3.3) - Added by jp red almost 8 years ago


I just double checked my Mysql user name and password in my 'database.yml' and did some connection test with this user from the CLI and the config is working.

But the Redmine web app is still not working.

Any clues?

RE: Need help - Recovering from old backup (Redmine 2.2.3 to fresh install 3.3.3) - Added by Jan from Planio almost 8 years ago

If your database.yml is already pointing to your database correctly, and has the correct password, all you would need to do is a

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate

assuming that Redmine is running in production mode, otherwise use RAILS_ENV=development.

The above command will migrate your database schema to the lastest version which is necessary for most releases.

If you still run into problems afterwards, please take a look at your logs (in logs/production.log or logs/development.log) and share the error message here.

RE: Need help - Recovering from old backup (Redmine 2.2.3 to fresh install 3.3.3) - Added by jp red almost 8 years ago

That is what I was missing. I ran the ' RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate ' command and everything is working now!


