


Access denied on view document uploaded in an issue

Added by Vincenzo Sorrentino almost 8 years ago


I've a problem in Redmine 3.3.2 that include DMSF 1.5.9 plugin.
On a particular Project, I've the DMSF module disabled but when a create a new issue however I see the possibility to load Documents:

If I upload document using Browse button near "Documents" (instead near "Files"), after when I click on:

I receive an error:

I see, that If I enable module DMSF the document is reachable and works fine.

Is there a possibility to Hide "Documents" section when I create/update an issue if I've a DMSF module disabled?

Best Regards

Replies (1)

RE: Access denied on view document uploaded in an issue - Added by Alex Stanev over 7 years ago

I'm having a similar issue, but maybe the better place is to rise issue in DMSF itself:
I've already referenced your post here:
