


Insert a custom field multiple times in same issue

Added by Otavio Martins about 7 years ago

Hey there

I'm having trouble with custom fields and haven't found any similar post about this particular problem, so here we go...

I've created a custom text field named "serial number", which is assigned to issues involving equipment. Thing is, sometimes an issue involves more than one equipment, so I needed to insert multiple fields of type "serial number" in it. Sure, I could use the "List" option, but then I would have to register every serial number we have created so far, which are hundreds, and keep registering the new ones. It's so easier just insert the number of equipment I'm dealing with right now. Besides, I won't have to search a single serial number among hundreds of options each time I create a new issue.

Sure, since It's a text field, an option would be just insert the serial numbers separeted by comma, semicolon or something, but that would ruin further searching. If I insert, for instance, serial numbers like "012/17, 013/17, 014/17" and three months later I want to search "maintenance" issues regarding only "014-17" equipment, this one would would be out of the sarch result.

Still another option would be create a different issue for each equipment, but I'd rather avoid this option, once it would overpopulate projects with replicate issues and make Gantt visual poluted.

So does anyone have a suggestion about what to do or a plugin to indicate?

Replies (1)

RE: Insert a custom field multiple times in same issue - Added by Tatsuya Saito about 7 years ago

You can filter list items of custom fields when you add and edit issues with using View customize plugin
The following article may be useful, screen capture and example of javascript. But only Japanese.

I hope this will help you.
