How to relate issues?
Added by Alex Zuev over 7 years ago
Hi everyone!
How to relate current issue with another one I just created?
I've created an issue with script:
before @need_create = status_id_changed? && status_id==9 && !new_record? after issue =` :author => User.current, :project => project, :tracker_id => 7, :assigned_to => Group.find(17), :subject => self.subject, :description => self.description)! end
I need to relate this new issue with the old one? Do I need to create a new process?
I've tried:
:issue_from_id => id, :relation_type => 'relates'
it doesn't work
Replies (1)
RE: How to relate issues?
Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
Some suggestions to look at for pointers and examples:
(source:/trunk/app/models/issue_relation.rb@17013)- #18237