


redmine timesheet plugin issue

Added by deepti godbole over 6 years ago

getting error 500 & "ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)):"
Please help

App 9864 stderr: Processing by TimesheetController#report as HTML
App 9864 stderr:   Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"KoiaSXp31D7iKOnXkTpe2iZfy2/pYZXOwpDLrSeFs0eRlOYYryjz4PHSygDwRImH/BZfyMCODJdnAgtL7lG7Ng==", "timesheet"=>{"period"=>"all", "period_type"=>"2", "date_from"=>"", "date_to"=>"", "sort"=>"project", "projects"=>["2"], "activities"=>["8"], "trackers"=>["1"]}, "commit"=>"Apply"}
App 9864 stderr:   Current user: anonymous
App 9864 stderr:   Rendered plugins/redmine_timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet/_form.html.erb (7.7ms)
App 9864 stderr:   Rendered plugins/redmine_timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet/report.html.erb within layouts/base (12.0ms)
App 9864 stderr: Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 40ms (ActiveRecord: 3.2ms)
App 9864 stderr: 
App 9864 stderr: ActionView::Template::Error (wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)):
App 9864 stderr:     54:   #<%= javascript_include_tag 'timesheet.js', :plugin => 'redmine_timesheet_plugin' %>
App 9864 stderr:     55:   #<%= call_hook(:plugin_timesheet_views_timesheets_report_header_tags, { :timesheet => @timesheet }) %>
App 9864 stderr:     56: <% end %>
App 9864 stderr:     57: 
App 9864 stderr:     58: <%= context_menu %>
App 9864 stderr:     59: 
App 9864 stderr:     60: <%# TODO: Typo on hook %>
App 9864 stderr:   app/helpers/application_helper.rb:1129:in `context_menu'
App 9864 stderr:   plugins/redmine_timesheet_plugin/app/views/timesheet/report.html.erb:57:in `_plugins_redmine_timesheet_plugin_app_views_timesheet_report_html_erb___925010461171261148_70193772176420'
App 9864 stderr:   lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:63:in `sudo_mode'
App 9864 stderr: 
App 9864 stderr: 

Replies (2)

RE: redmine timesheet plugin issue - Added by deepti godbole over 6 years ago

can any one help me with this issue?

RE: redmine timesheet plugin issue - Added by Gokul NK about 6 years ago

Were you able to solve this issue?
