Comments not visible if i change also another Element
Added by Thomas Dettmann about 7 years ago
Hello Everybody,
we use Redmine in our company for documentation and controlling and we got the following issue:
Redmine give us the ability to write comments to a ticket. The comments are shown in the comment section under the ticket-information.
There is also the option to get an "all"-View where i can see everything changed on that ticket.
So when i edit the ticket and write a comment, i see it below the ticket information.
But when i write a comment AND change something else like a date, the comment only show in the "all"-view but is not visible in the "comment-view". Sadly i dont find any relatet information so hope you can help me fix that issue. :)
Thomas Dettmann
Replies (3)
RE: Comments not visible if i change also another Element - Added by Bernhard Rohloff about 7 years ago
Hi Thomas,
Redmine does't provide this "tabbed" view, by default. So I assume you are facing problems with your custom theme (PurpleMine2 ?).
Informations about the version number of your Redmine installation and what theme you are using would make things a lot easier.
Kind regards,
RE: Comments not visible if i change also another Element - Added by Thomas Dettmann about 7 years ago
Hello Bernhard,
thanks for your answer. Sorry that i dont get all that information, needed. im very new to this redmine stuff.
The redmine version we use is: 3.3.2.stable
The template is a custom template made by the company, and the person who made that template dont work here anymore, so no help from that side.
I found that the plugin used for the history is "Redmine Issue History Tabs plugin" from Daniel MunnKonstantin Zaitsev.
Also i think i found the problem and a solution. while crawling trough the code, i found this line in redmine/plugins/redmine_issue_history_tabs/app/views/issues/_history.html.erb:
<% if selected_tab 'history_all' || journal.css_classes 'journal has-notes'>
So the history could have 4 states provided by classes,
journal has-notes
journal has-details
journal has-notes has-details
This line is a switch for show all or just show where classes are "journal has-notes". So the solution should be to update thas line that it also show "journal has-notes has-details" and hide the details with JS oder Styles. So i changed the line to:
<% if selected_tab 'history_all' || journal.css_classes 'journal has-notes' || journal.css_classes == 'journal has-notes has-details'%>
I uploaded the changed file but nothing seems to happen. I think (cause the URl only look on the public order) i must rebuild or restart redmine so it see and implemend the changes? I also made an other small change (change a name in the top menu in file redmine/lib/redmine.rb) and nothing happened.
Thank you for your help!
RE: Comments not visible if i change also another Element - Added by Thomas Dettmann about 7 years ago
Hello Bernhard,
i found a way to trigger a cache-reload for my redmine and my solution works. So thank you very much. :)