Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
Clean install Redmine
Environment: Redmine version 3.3.1.stable Ruby version 2.3.3-p222 (2016-11-21) [x86_64-linux-gnu] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Git 2.11.0 Filesystem Redmine plugins: no plugin installed
MantisBT version 1.2.18
when I run the script, I get an error (see attachment)
mantis.png (14.1 KB) mantis.png | WTF |
Replies (7)
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
I saw ... Ie. The problem can not be solved?
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
copy new file (source:trunk/lib/tasks/migrate_from_mantis.rake@12218) and get new error (see attachment)
what to do?
mantis2.png (40.8 KB) mantis2.png | WTF2 |
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Mischa The Evil over 7 years ago
Why are you trying to overwrite/use source:/trunk/lib/tasks/migrate_from_mantis.rake@12218 over the version of 3.3.1-stable (source:/tags/3.3.1/lib/tasks/migrate_from_mantis.rake, which is at r15904)?
Your 2nd error seems to be caused by missing r13535. Make sure your Redmine source code is equal to the actual 3.3.1 tag's. Better yet, make sure to install one of the latest releases (3.4.3 or 3.3.5).
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
I doing:
instead of set_inheritance_column :none
=>self.inheritance_column = :none
and rake work :) Tnx
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
Do not migrate :(
Migrate only users. After migration I get an error (see attachment)
I'm desperate...
mantismigrate.jpg (118 KB) mantismigrate.jpg |
RE: Migrate from Mantis - rake aborted
Added by Artiom Shurupov over 7 years ago
I'm did it!
...had to sacrifice categories
In addition to the fact that you need to replace the line:set_inheritance_column :none
on self.inheritance_column = :none
Table "mantis_project_category_table" does not exist. It may be a question of a table "mantis_category_table", but the experiments showed that the categories are not carried over and there is an error.
class MantisCategory < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = :mantis_project_category_table
ok... I commented out the lines:
#Project categories
#project.categories.each do |category|
#g = IssueCategory.new :name => category.category[0,30]
#g.project = p
#categories_map[category.category] = g.id
#i.category = IssueCategory.find_by_project_id_and_name(i.project_id, bug.category[0,30]) unless bug.category.blank?
#puts "Categories: #{IssueCategory.count}/#{MantisCategory.count}"
and migration completed successfully!
But... not all projects were transferred.
See what is wrong... it turned out that if an empty project contains not empty subprojects, then neither the empty project nor its (full) subprojects are transferred.
I think this is a small bug
but most of all I was disappointed that the dates of bugs were not transferred, but the dates of migration were shown. All attachments in bugs on behalf of "Redmine Admin" and the date of attachment, too, was not transferred
I think this is a small bug too
mantis4!!!.png (15.2 KB) mantis4!!!.png | I'm did it! |