


Redmine do not see Git repository

Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago


I've got problem with Git repository. Look on screenshot Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 18.16.29.png


1) I've done issue with --no-color troubles to git. Wrapped in bash script and define it in configuration.yml
2) Restart Apapche

This is additional screens:
Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 18.18.23.png - projects settings
Screen Shot 2018-08-20 at 18.19.08.png - administrative settings

I've tried everything I found. Nothing helps me.
Could someone help me with it?

Replies (3)

RE: Redmine do not see Git repository - Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago

Found there was a problem with permissions for repo directory.
Should be 755

RE: Redmine do not see Git repository - Added by Alexandr Kirilov over 6 years ago

My stack is:

Freebsd + Apache + Gitolite + Redmine
