


how to adjust issue list from center align to left align?

Added by rony f over 6 years ago

Dear All,

I want to adjust align style for issue display from default center align to left align?
can you guide need to modif while file in redmine folder?many thanks.

111.jpg (87.2 KB) 111.jpg

Replies (3)

RE: how to adjust issue list from center align to left align? - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago

I assume you would like the trackers row to be left aligned...

Look at the stylesheet.

Adding the following line to the collection there should do the trick...

table.list td.tracker {text-align: center;}

Kind regards,


RE: how to adjust issue list from center align to left align? - Added by rony f over 6 years ago

Dear Bernhard,

I tried many times to add below
table.list td.tracker {text-align: center;} to the application.css file.

But the align of tracker is still not align by left .
Please check setting by attched table.jpg and result by attched tracker.jpg
.many thanks.

RE: how to adjust issue list from center align to left align? - Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 6 years ago

I think the rule gets overwritten by the following table.issue td {... statement.
Just move your new line some lines below and try it again. I'd bet this will fix your issue.

Kind regards,

