


Rebuild project hierarchy

Added by Dorice Nyamy almost 6 years ago

I have tried a massive update of projects parent, directly from the data base, changing the parent_id. I was not yet aware of the lft and rgt fields which are meant to manage project hierarchy.
Now my projects hierarchy is completely messed up. What is displayed on the projects view does not correspond to the reality.
Going through the forum I have seen some inputs about this, but too old, and the solution given are not longer usable, I am afraid (paths, names...)
Please how to rebuild my project tree on redmine 3.4 ?
Thanks in advance

Replies (3)

RE: Rebuild project hierarchy - Added by Dorice Nyamy almost 6 years ago

Answering to my post
I have found the solution ;
Calling "Project.rebuild_tree!" from rails console ("rails console -e production") did the trick !

RE: Rebuild project hierarchy - Added by Indra Kurnia over 5 years ago

Hi Dorice,

I am facing same problem.
Thanks for the solution. it work like a charm.

RE: Rebuild project hierarchy - Added by salman mp 3 months ago

Dorice Nyamy wrote in RE: Rebuild project hierarchy:

Calling "Project.rebuild_tree!" from rails console ("rails console -e production") did the trick !

Very good. thanks.
