


Lmod has detected the following error: The following module(s) are unknown: "TensorFlow/1.3.0-foss-2018a-Python-3.6.4

Added by George D over 5 years ago

Hi, when I use
module load TensorFlow/1.3.0-foss-2018a-Python-3.6.4

as I usually do to test some code on the login node, I get the following error:

Lmod has detected the following error:  The following module(s) are

unknown: "TensorFlow/1.3.0-foss-2018a-Python-3.6.4" 

Please check the spelling or version number. Also try "module spider ..." 
It is also possible your cache file is out-of-date; it may help to try:
  $ module --ignore-cache load "TensorFlow/1.3.0-foss-2018a-Python-3.6.4" 

Also make sure that all modulefiles written in TCL start with the string

Of course I tried module spider Tensorflow, chose a version that is listed there but got a similar error.
Anyone knows how to fix this? It only happens when I try to load Tensorflow.
