Upgrade redmine 3 from centos docker setup to Azure cloud bitnami redmine
Added by Bitnami Redmine about 5 years ago
Hi, we have a docker setup of centos redmine 3 using mysql. We want to upgrade from this setup to a Azure cloud bitnami Redmine latest version. We dont know how to migrate all the data from the old centos docker redmine 3 to the azure cloud setup.
Can you please help with this migration project?
Replies (2)
RE: Upgrade redmine 3 from centos docker setup to Azure cloud bitnami redmine - Added by Bitnami Redmine about 5 years ago
More info about the setup
Environment: Redmine version 3.0.7.stable Ruby version 2.2.4-p230 (2015-12-16) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.3 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Subversion 1.7.22 Git 2.1.4 Filesystem Redmine plugins: redmine_my_page 0.1.9 scrum 0.18.1
RE: Upgrade redmine 3 from centos docker setup to Azure cloud bitnami redmine - Added by Marat Aminov from RedmineUP over 1 year ago
We, at RedmineUP cloud free data migration service from Bitnami. Could you please write me and I will ask developer for data migration process.