


Connecting svn users with redmine users

Added by John Bitstak almost 16 years ago

Hi, I'm currently trying to integrate many different projects using same company repo to svn.

My question is: is it possible to integrate svn users and Redmine users?

for example: my username in redmine is Johnny_Bit, but in svn it's some company assigned string. Now wanting to use redmine integration with svn I want to use autoclose feature, but when I do that it's done by Anonymous; also I'd want to see my name instead of some weird string in author column when browsing repository using redmine. I see it works here, but I don't have any idea how to do this on my install.

Version I use is the latest 0.8-stable branch, freshly updated.

Thanks in advance

Replies (1)

RE: Connecting svn users with redmine users - Added by Davide Ferrari almost 16 years ago

In your project simply go to settings -> repository and then in the bottom right part there's a "Users" link. There you can associate svn users with redmine ones.
