

Davide Ferrari

  • Login: vide
  • Registered on: 2009-05-12
  • Last connection: 2012-07-07


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 4 5



11:56 Redmine Defect #8978: LDAP timeout if an LDAP auth provider is unreachable
Thanks a lot! Davide Ferrari


16:21 Redmine Defect #8978 (Closed): LDAP timeout if an LDAP auth provider is unreachable
we are using Redmine with a like 3 different LDAP auth sources, and sometimes if one of the goes down, almsot e...
Davide Ferrari


18:01 Redmine Defect #6774 (Resolved): HTTP/500 when accessing my issues page
Ok, it's related to the Redmine Backlog plugin. I'll bug them, then :) thanks Davide Ferrari


14:38 Redmine Defect #6774 (Closed): HTTP/500 when accessing my issues page
... Davide Ferrari


16:22 Redmine Help: Disable the documents preview?
is there a way to disable the document preview in the "Document" section of a project? When you have lots of do...
Davide Ferrari


19:02 Redmine Feature #5332: Allow bulk edit of issues from different projects
Any plan to implement this some day? I'd like to see this feature too. Davide Ferrari


12:00 Redmine Defect #4121: 500 internal server error when closing some issues
Totally right. Sorry for the noise. Davide Ferrari
10:33 Redmine Defect #4121: 500 internal server error when closing some issues
The updated tickets which gave this error now seems a little incosistent, cause I've received notifications of "bug i... Davide Ferrari
10:19 Redmine Defect #4121 (Closed): 500 internal server error when closing some issues
This is what I got in the log... Davide Ferrari


13:54 Redmine Plugins: RE: Redmine Scrumdashboard plugin
Just pulled latest git, now translations works with current trunk, and finally the dashboard is usable. I'll start pl... Davide Ferrari

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