Cannot delete issue statuses nor use new ones in 3.1.1
Added by Jeremy L over 4 years ago
Hello everyone,
I am an admin user of Redmine 3.1.1 (mostly for issues). I have two issues, which I think are probably related:
1) I cannot delete existing issue statuses when I go in the admin section of Redmine. Every time I try, it comes up with the error message "unable to delete issue status". It only worked with a status I created moments before (and did not apply to any issue).
2) When I create a new issue status, it does not show as a choice in an actual issue, new or current.
Any clues as to how to resolve these? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Replies (2)
RE: Cannot delete issue statuses nor use new ones in 3.1.1 - Added by Guillermo ML over 4 years ago
Related to 1):
See #31361, the message was not informative enough until 4.1.0.
The status must be in use, maybe as the default for some tracker, maybe there is an issue with that status.
See #4367#note-1, even an issue in an archived project could prevent the status's deletion.
Related to 2):
Is the new status enabled in Administration > Workflow for the trackers? Be sure to uncheck the Only display statuses that are used by this tracker option and enable the new status.
RE: Cannot delete issue statuses nor use new ones in 3.1.1 - Added by Jeremy L over 4 years ago
Just some feedback:
1) My predecessor had created some projects which contained some open bugs, but then closed the projects (so not directly visible to me). I managed to find them in the 'projects' page, by ticking the box 'View closed projects' at the right of the page and applying the change. I had to go through all the closed projects, but I eventually found the bugs that still had the status that I want delete. I changed their statuses to something else, and then I was able to delete said status.
2) This worked.
Thanks Guillermo.