Can an issue update another issue?
Added by Domhnall Currie over 4 years ago
I have a large project task list and I have to order parts or supplies for equipment from various projects. I have a "Purchasing" project where I put these things I have to order. I'd like to be able to be in a project, input an issue like "order ignition switch" and that issue show up in Purchasing, whether it's done in the issue itself or I go outside and establish a related issue or whatever I have to do. When the status or priority is changed in Purchasing, I'd like it to update in the original project. This will avoid having missed duplicate issues that have not been closed out or updated, etc. I've tried all the relationship entries, copy to/from, subtasks, duplicates, etc settings I can find but I can't figure out any way to accomplish this. I'm running the Bitnami stack of Redmine 4.1.1 with PostgreSQL. I might be able to figure out an easy way to do updates just by bringing in my email system, but I haven't been able to make the IMAP setup work yet. I don't mind doing it through Projects, Sub-projects, issues or whatever I have to set up, I just don't know where to head. I thought I might be able to setup something through a filesystem repository, but I've never used any of the SCM repositories and don't know how they work, so I haven't jumped in that end of the pool yet. :) Any help would be appreciated!
Replies (4)
RE: Can an issue update another issue?
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
You cannot 'mirror' issues to show up in different projects at the same time. Except for parent projects which are always showing the issues of their child projects. But I think that's not what you are looking for. Instead of creating a separate project I would rather do it with a custom filter in the global issues list. There you have access to all issues and you can filter them by tracker e.g. 'order request' or 'purchase request', status and group them by project. It is far less complicated and issues stay in their projects.
Kind regards,
RE: Can an issue update another issue?
Added by Domhnall Currie over 4 years ago
That's what I was thinking, maybe doing a tracker or custom field "Vendor" or something like that allowing me to pick where to order it and then doing a report of everything by vendor so I can place an order for everything I need at one time, or create a shopping list for Home Depot or wherever. By keeping them in their projects, that allows me to keep everything in its place in the knowledgebase after the order has been received and makes it easier to change status to "on hold" or "pending" or something.
I have to admit, once I got Redmine up and running I just started dumping stuff in there I've been so hungry for a project manager for so long and I haven't looked at all the variables and figured out how they could best help my situation and what-not. Every day I'm appreciating more what it can do for me. :) Thanks for your help Bernhard!
RE: Can an issue update another issue?
Added by Bernhard Rohloff over 4 years ago
Domhnall Currie wrote:
I have to admit, once I got Redmine up and running I just started dumping stuff in there I've been so hungry for a project manager for so long and I haven't looked at all the variables and figured out how they could best help my situation and what-not.
We all have walked that bumpy road before... ;-)
RE: Can an issue update another issue?
Added by Domhnall Currie over 4 years ago
That worked like a charm Bernhard! I added a custom field "vendors" and used a drop down list for all my vendors. Then I added a tracker "Purchase" and attached the custom field to it. Later I added "Date Ordered" and "Date Received" fields. You only see those fields when you change the tracker to Purchase. When I'm ready to place orders, I just run the report on the purchase tracker and I only see those issues, but everything's still in place in their projects. Awesome! :) Thanks for your help.