


Importing spent time

Added by Domhnall Currie over 3 years ago

I've read what information I can find where this feature was added, but I don't understand how this actually works. I created a .CSV file to try to match what RM is looking to import. It lets me map every field but Project where it makes me choose a project. Is this how this is supposed to work? So every line imported from a given file has to go into one project or is there a way to read the Project field from the .CSV file and each line in the import goes into the appropriate project?

Replies (2)

RE: Importing spent time - Added by Marius BĂLTEANU over 3 years ago

Importing time entries on multiple projects is not supported. You should open a feature request.

RE: Importing spent time - Added by Murilo Habermann Torquato over 3 years ago

Domhnall Currie wrote:

I've read what information I can find where this feature was added, but I don't understand how this actually works. I created a .CSV file to try to match what RM is looking to import. It lets me map every field but Project where it makes me choose a project. Is this how this is supposed to work? So every line imported from a given file has to go into one project or is there a way to read the Project field from the .CSV file and each line in the import goes into the appropriate project?

I did a trick here to allow my internal team to import CSV times from multiple projects.

  1. created a new customized field "project import" on time entries
  2. created a new customized field "issue import" on time entries
  3. create 2 triggers as follows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_project() RETURNS trigger AS $$
        import_project_id integer;

        -- only execute the trigger if the field is 73 
       IF NEW.custom_field_id != 73 THEN
            RETURN NEW;
        END IF;

       raise NOTICE 'import_project: "%" ', NEW.value;

        -- check if the import_project is not empty
        IF coalesce(new.value,'') != ''  then

            -- get the project ID
            SELECT id INTO import_project_id FROM public.projects WHERE identifier  = NEW.value;

            raise notice 'import_project_id: "%"', import_project_id;

            IF import_project_id = 0 THEN
                RAISE EXCEPTION 'Projeto (Importação) inválido: verifique o identificador antes de seguir.';
            END IF;

            -- atualiza o ID do projeto para o tempo importado
            update public.time_entries set project_id = import_project_id where id = new.customized_id;
        END IF;

        RETURN NEW;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

ALTER FUNCTION public.update_project() OWNER TO redmine;
GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION public.update_project() TO redmine;

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_project ON custom_values;
CREATE TRIGGER update_project AFTER insert or UPDATE ON custom_values
    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_project();   

        import_issue_id integer;
        import_project_issue_id integer;

        -- only execute the trigger if the field is 74
       IF NEW.custom_field_id != 74 or coalesce(new.VALUE,'') = '' THEN
            RETURN NEW;
        END IF;

       import_issue_id := NEW.value::integer;

       raise NOTICE 'import_issue_id: "%" ', import_issue_id;

      -- verifica se não houver um valor para a tarefa de importacao
        IF import_issue_id > 0  then

             -- grava o valor do ID do projeto da tarefa informada no campo de importacao na variavel import_project_issue_id
            SELECT project_id INTO import_project_issue_id FROM public.issues WHERE id  = import_issue_id;

           raise notice 'import_project_issue_id: "%"', import_project_issue_id;

          -- atualiza o ID do projeto para o tempo importado
            update public.time_entries set project_id = import_project_issue_id, issue_id = import_issue_id where id = new.customized_id;

        END IF;

        RETURN NEW;


$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

ALTER FUNCTION public.update_issue() OWNER TO redmine;
GRANT ALL ON FUNCTION public.update_issue() TO redmine;

DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS update_issue ON custom_values;
CREATE TRIGGER update_issue AFTER insert or UPDATE ON custom_values
    FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_issue();   

after that, my team is using a spreadsheet for support tracking times during the day and after they can import a CSV (attached as example)
