


How to reinit "Latest revisions" (changesets) for repository

Added by Erik E about 4 years ago

Hi there!

In our Redmine installation we have a few repos for which the "Latest revision" Table is not present any more. I don't know, how this happened, but I guess it was after a few git rebases or so.

The old revisions are still present via 'All revision', but newer commits are not added.

In one example, in the source code table I can see that the last commit was 3 months ago. Watching all revisions the newest entry is from 03.04.2019.

It is no general issue, all in all it works great with hundreds of repositories, only a few.

My question is the following: How can I delete and safely re-init all "Changeset" entries of a repository? I think the Changeset model represents the commits, correct?

Thanks for hints or code snippets!!

Replies (2)

RE: How to reinit "Latest revisions" (changesets) for repository - Added by Erik E about 4 years ago

Sorry for bumping, but does really noone have an idea how to achieve the reinit of the revision history?

RE: How to reinit "Latest revisions" (changesets) for repository - Added by Erik E about 4 years ago

Okay, I just figured out the core problem:

Somehow you can get the


to include invalid/removed git revision (I could not manually reproduce it yet, but I guess by rebasing/force-pushing stuff).

Thus, the repo.fetch_changesets results in smth like that:

fatal: bad object 7b9844049e85f54df3ccd8e7e6bf4934cfce412c
git log error: git exited with non-zero status: 128
repo.extra_info['heads'] = []

will repair this. Probably this would be worth filing an issue.
