


Looking for a safety management sofware

Added by Dale Franks over 3 years ago

Hi my company is looking for a safety management system, that will centralize all risk and safety management activities and will double as a central document repository. Any thing that would minimize much of the manual works. We are looking to automate workflows for all safety and risk management activities. We are prospecting some safety management system(, like this. If you guys know any better solutions or any alternatives, your help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Replies (2)

RE: Looking for a safety management sofware - Added by Victor Lee over 2 years ago

Hi Dale,

I'm facing the similar issue. Just wonder if you found the solution. Is it possible to use Redmine to manage safety project.


RE: Looking for a safety management sofware - Added by Tuấn Bình Nguyễn 7 months ago

Dear Dale,
My company already developed a third-party software that can manage project and company resource (budget, effort, cost, employee log-time). Its name is InstantView.

The InstantView will connect to Redmine and collect Project data.

Instantview has features to minimize risks such as:

Report on the control of effort of each project, each employee and of the entire company. Support tracking the number of working hours, billable hours, non-billable hours, performance ratio, billable/non-billable ratio of each employee and each project; Comparison between plan and reality, between different reporting periods.

Report the cost of each project and of the whole company. Support real-time project tracking to detect risks and take timely action. Check the budget, actual costs, errors, profits, profitability of each project.

Non-billable control of the whole company. Create a statistical report listing the personnel and the percentage of effort of those employees involved in projects without charge. The company can analyze the causes and solutions to minimize non-billable.

Revenue report. Allows recording and analyzing the company's revenue from business activities on a month-by-month basis. Includes revenue of ongoing projects, expected revenue of projects under tender. In addition, personnel responsible for bidding can suggest success rates and automatically adjust revenue when bidding is successful.

Best regards.
