


Quastion about custom fields in Redmine 0.8.4

Added by Konstantin Ershov about 15 years ago

Hi, all!

I've just installed Redmine 0.8.4 (instead of 0.8.0) and noticed that user custom fields neither shown nor editable on /my/account page. When I used Redmine 0.8.0 I created several user custom fields (like Email 2, Skype, Jabber etc.) to give my users the ability to fill in their's profiles with their contact details which are showed on /account/show/userID page. But after I moved to 0.8.4 I noticed that only Admins can edit user custom fields which is very inconvinient :(.

Does anyone know how can I give users the ability to edit custom fields in theirs profiles by themselves as it was possible in Redmine 0.8.0?

I'll be very appreciate for any help. Thanks!

Replies (1)

RE: Quastion about custom fields in Redmine 0.8.4 - Added by Konstantin Ershov about 15 years ago


It's strange but for some reason there are no these strings in last stable version of Redmine.

Changed: app/views/my/account.rhtml

+ <% @user.custom_field_values.each do |value| %>
+    <p><%= custom_field_tag_with_label :user, value %></p>
+ <% end %>

Changed: app/controllers/my_controller.rb

+ helper :custom_fields
