


Change Assignee, when user replies to a ticket via e-mail

Added by Johannes Przymusinski almost 4 years ago


is there a way to automatically change the assignee of a ticket, when a user replies to it via e-mail?
I know that you can assign someone in the e-mail body when you reply, but this can cause errors.
Also i know that on the mail import (we reading from a specific imap account pre customer / project, but sending from a general address)

We have some customers that reply to the e-mail they are getting, when something changed in the ticket.

The ideal way would be, that the ticket gets reassigned to the person that made the change the customer replied to.
The current state is, that the assignee does not change when the customer replies. This can lead to some people not getting a mail about this change.
(I know you can get mails for every single thing that happens, but this is not good for everyone, because it floods you with mails)

Do you get my point and have any idea what I could do about this?
How do you solve this problem?



Replies (1)

RE: Change Assignee, when user replies to a ticket via e-mail - Added by Lorenzo Meneghetti over 3 years ago

Hi Johannes, something in the flow you described seems strange.

Johannes Przymusinski wrote:


is there a way to automatically change the assignee of a ticket, when a user replies to it via e-mail?
I know that you can assign someone in the e-mail body when you reply, but this can cause errors.
Also i know that on the mail import (we reading from a specific imap account pre customer / project, but sending from a general address)

We have some customers that reply to the e-mail they are getting, when something changed in the ticket.

In Redmine without plugins if they receive an updates from Redmine means that they are Redmine users, they should be issue authors and not issue assignees (they will receive a updates mail).

The ideal way would be, that the ticket gets reassigned to the person that made the change the customer replied to.
The current state is, that the assignee does not change when the customer replies. This can lead to some people not getting a mail about this change.

When customer replies to email, assignee will be updated..

(I know you can get mails for every single thing that happens, but this is not good for everyone, because it floods you with mails)

you can register for mail updates only notes added to low email number

Do you get my point and have any idea what I could do about this?
How do you solve this problem?

You could try also redmine_contacts_helpdesk plugin by redmineup guys.



